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2022-04-08 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

I like the cat, I can pay attention to the "Hu Gong Pavilion", share the cat knowledge, save the story, planting a grass cat, take you into the world of the cat! When the cat's blood, it can represent their value, however, sometimes this bitter may also bring innocent disasters, because in the eyes of the breeding, once there is anything 金瘩, it will easily lead it to it. Being worthless, things that are not worth money will be abandoned, let himself self-destruction ... Jacqueline, a rescue network of life, received a special help, a small milk called Peng The cat has been abandoned one day, and the situation is not very good, it needs to be rescued. Jacqueline did not hesitate, immediately took the initiative to make help, and drove four and a half hours to pick up the kitten. After the examination, it was found that the small furgon linger has half the Burmese raccoon and half the highland (Heland Cat), this should be strong and handsome, it is very good to take care of it, but because of the nose, the mouth cracking facial deformity caused abandoned . The little lingering just received is still very small, the body doesn't even have a slap, this stage is very fragile, and if you don't pay attention, you will return to the comet. Little treasures with facial malformations will usually be accompanied by some of the congenital defects. Therefore, in order to ensure that the small lingering is also required to monitor the small lingering, although the front road is full of challenges, Jacqueline is still determined to help the little linger. Grow away. The situation of the small laboratory is a similar to the human lip, which is what we often say, is a common congenital facial malformation, which will affect the sucking and subsequent pronunciation of the lip, but can also be repaired by surgery. 。

Although the little ladies have crackdown, the upper jaw is normal, and after 5 or 6 months of completion of the teeth, dental surgery is required to correct. Under Jacqueline, Takapest is very stable in the first few days. However, in the sleep in my sleep, let Xiaoyu race accidentally absorb the anti-ingredients of the formula, resulting in the final pneumonia, sudden The condition has caused deterioration of it and has to be sent into the intensive care chamber. Volunteers quickly took the oxygen machine to help it breathe. During a few hours of nervous rescue, the heavy breathing of Xiaopeng was gradually calmed down. With the help of volunteers and a lot of lung function test, the small lapese is resumed in the combination of the oxygen warehouse and the incubator. One week of small Lapen experienced the most important milestone in the middle of his life, it was finally the milk that made the death of the dead gods, and the growth of the big mouth will be a lot of milk. After it is finished, it will take the initiative Shower is close. Don't look at the figure of the race is still very weak, but it is equipped with the most loud snoring motor. Whenever it is with Jacqueline, the motor will start, and the big snoring is placed on the milk. Jacqueline with love is satisfied with almost all demands of the small Pengyi. Under the nickname, Xiaoyong race has grown, and the weight and strength are constantly increasing. It began to be more curious about the surrounding environment. I like to "supervise" when Jacqueline is doing housework, of course, I prefer to tease in her arms, it is simply a cute sticky. At the same time, Xiaoying is growing, and the characteristics of the blood have begun to gradually appear, and the fluffy hair begins to grow gorgeous growth. Some people say that it is like a small hippie hairstyle is like a small Mo Moquek in the transformers. However, the old Hu is more like a little lingering, which is more like the water jingle beast in the Journey to the West, the mighty domineering, the gas field is strong, and it seems that it is a beast. Nowadays, there are still many skills that you need to find your new home, just hope that this is only abandoned, you can find a family that truly loves it, continue to be immersed like now in love. Among the surroundings! If you feel like you like, please also remember your attention, click a bit, tha

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