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China's Mainland Food Delivery Giant Meituan Eyes Hong Kong Market

2023-02-23 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

BEIJING, February 22 (TMTPOST) —— China's mainland food delivery giant Meituan is hiring delivery men in Hong Kong, offering above-average salaries.

Meituan is offering a monthly salary of up to HKD35,000 (USD4,463) if the courier delivers 500 orders a month and meets several other performance targets. But when Meituan officially enters the Hong Kong market remains unclear.

According to the official recruitment document, Meituan will recruit three types of deliverymen in Hong Kong, including motorcycle couriers, bicycle couriers, and couriers on foot for food delivery. The income will be made up of delivery service fees, event incentives, and additional service fees for related categories. To attract more couriers, Meituan also said that deliverymen who can complete their target orders within 14 days will be awarded an additional HK $2,500 ($318).

By Hong Kong's delivery industry standard of about two orders per hour, assuming the delivery man completes 500 orders in a month and gets all the bonuses, the income of couriers can be expected to exceed HK $20,000 ($2,549), while the income of motorcycle couriers can be up to HK $35,000 ($4,460). This means that the average income of delivery men per order during their new career is nearly 20% higher than that of their peers.

There are 23 positions open for recruitment on Meituan's official recruitment website, which include merchant channel manager, event operation, and user operation. Meituan is also headhunting for business development personnel and client relationship managers.

It was reported that Meituan was planning to expand its delivery service to Hong Kong in October 2022. CEO Wang Xing responded that Hong Kong was a good testing project for the overseas businesses of the company. Hong Kong's Internet infrastructure, which is multilingual and multicultural, is similar to that of many overseas markets. Moreover, Hong Kong residents have close ties with mainland residents in terms of culture, language and especially eating habits.

Wang also said that Meituan's Hong Kong businesses were still at an early stage. There are many differences between the catering service market in Hong Kong and the mainland, and so is the distribution model, making it necessary for Meituan to adjust its operating strategy.

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