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2018-01-08 来源: 腔调阿朱patrickzhu 原文链接 评论0条




阿朱英文书单(小学)系列之二(组图) - 1




那个时候在澳洲的好朋友对我讲过一段话,分享给大家:“有时候,家长觉得孩子能看很复杂的书很兴奋,认为是孩子阅读能力高。但是家长也要注意一下内容是否适合孩子本身的年龄层次、 心理成熟程度。 比如一个 6岁的孩子,即使阅读能力超前, 不代表他真的适合读10岁孩子读的内容。。。家长们在选择阅读材料的时候也要关心一下内容。”



这里出现的书籍附上了当年我女儿读完的简单书评,当时她的年龄就是阅读这些书的适合年龄段。我在武功秘笈 - 差不多就行了®一文里说过,最简单有效的写作能力培养就是写写书评影评什么的,写作写作,不写不立。

The 10 p.m. Questionby Kate de Goldi

Recommended for ages 11-14

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新西兰作家Kate De Goldi所着的【The 10pm Question】,这部书深受13岁以上女孩们的喜爱。书中的主角Frankie Parsons就是一个让你想更了解他的人物,这是一本及其出色的作品。


The 10 PM question is an outstanding book written by Kate De Goldi. The book is set out to be like a diary or your personal journal. The main character, Frankie Parsons is a believable character, that you can picture vividly in your mind. This is his diary. You will find yourself attracted to his daily life, his misfortunates, his ablilty to draw, and his fretful mind. All the characters in this book are humourous in their own special way, that you will find interesting. None of them are alike.When Frankie Parsons meets, the new girl Sydney, his view of life changes. He becomes more carefree, not worrying as much as he used to. Whenever he is around Sydney he can be free. That's why he likes her to be around. But Frankie is then troubled by the fact that Sydney's mother is something horrid. Her mother moves around frequently, resulting in Sydney's unhappiness. Frankie is then worried about Sydney leaving and his own mother. His own mother has never left the house. Well, at least for 9 years.This book is also a must read! Kate De Goldi has written the words beautifully with an engaging plot. Everything seems to believable as you watch the story unfold in your mind. Overall i rate this book 9.5/10. The other 0.5 i will not give, because in the end, Frankie seems a bit mental, and i didn't enjoy reading his anger and rage.

The Phantom Tollboothby Norton Juster

Recommended for ages 9-12

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再来给大家推荐一本我女儿读了以后给10/10评分的作品,虽然不是近十年的书,但是的确是一部向各位10-12岁小朋友推荐阅读的的优秀作品。这部书是以美国小学 中高年级的读者为对象的小说,没有一般故事的悲欢离合和情节曲折,更像是在锻炼读者们的脑筋,因为书中充满着玩弄同音字,多义字,双关语,同义词,惯用语的乐趣。将文字间的矛盾与对比发挥得淋漓尽致,因此这部1960年代出版的小说成为了英文世界里经典作品,我知道这部书是因为我的一位洋人朋友大力推荐。


The Phantom Tollbooth i would highly recommend to others. It has the most unusual plot and intersting characters. WHilst reading the book you  may find many things odd and strange but the book just becomes more fascinating. This bok is about a simple boy named Milo who never understood his reason on Earth. He wondered everyday...until the tollbooth arrived.The tollbooth and the car takes him towards a large country that was never heard of. On his way he meets Watchdogs (the watchdogs literally have watches attached to them), SOundcatchers, demons, The two ignorant Princes and many more creatures. Words grow on trees ('Well money doesn't grow on trees does it?' Then it something else must of course!' So why not words?' Quote from the book.) and there is stew made from numbers!I would recommend this book for children the ages between 9-14. Although i'm pretty sure anyone would find it intersting. This book it fascintaing and an excellent read. It is a bookshelf MUST have!!

Earthsea CycleSeries by Ursula Kroeber Le Guin

Recommended for ages 12+

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Ursula Kroeber Le Guin是美国的女作家,她的Earthsea Cycle系列小说本是为西方魔幻文学经典之一,与《魔戒三部曲》和《纳尼亚传奇》系列齐名。

【A Wizard of Earthsea】 1968 (Lewis Carroll Shelf Award winner, 1979)
【The Tombs of Atuan】 1971 (Newbery Medal winner)
【The Farthest Shore】 1973 (National Book Award winner)
【Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea】 1990 (Nebula Award winner, 1990; Locus Fantasy Award winner, 1991
【Tales from Earthsea】 2001 (Short Stories)
【The Other Wind】 2001 (World Fantasy Award winner, 2002

这个系列小说故事非常复杂,但是非常有名,我的一个洋人朋友向我推荐过,他说其儿童文学上的成就要超过Harry Potter和魔戒三部曲,但是孩子大些再读会比较合适。Le Guin 文笔极好,我女儿也endorse了她的文字水平。一个书评说的很精彩,Le Guin的书是在“write”,而哈利波特系列相比就是“type”出来的。


The three books i've read so far are fantastic, they are a delicious read, each with descriptive detail and intriguing words that make up the storyline. The novelists words are descriptive, explaining everything with little words. She has an excellent imagination, thinking of the most greatest storylines. These books are beyond the words of praise that people will give. So far i have enjoyed every one of them, full of wizards, witches, ancient tombs, dark powers, dragons, songs of the old and Earthsea itself. I would recommend this book to every age, (unless you're just born and u barely know how to crawl or speak yet).

过去有不少人想把这部作品搬上银幕,却都遭到了原作者的拒绝,35年前的宫崎骏也是其中之一。宫崎骏相当喜欢这部作品,在他的《风之谷》等片中都可以找到《Earthsea》的元素。后来宫崎骏的《千与千寻》轰动了世界,赢得了奥斯卡长篇动画奖。不久后,宫崎骏意外地得到了来自原作者的委托。原作者看来,宫崎骏是将自己的这部代表作 动画电影化的最佳人选。 2006年,【Tales from Earthsea】动画片问世,是宫崎骏的儿子宫崎吾朗导演的。但是网上很多看过原着的人都对这个动画片不满意,认为和原着相去甚远。。。不过音乐很棒。。。大家可以去找来看看。

Le Guin还写了不少给young adults读的少年文学读物,都很好看。比如后来出版的 Gifts, Voices, Powers.   她也写了很多科幻经典,比如The left hand of darkness, Dispossessed。当然这些就不是儿童读物了。

Once,Then, Now ,After & Soonby Morris Gleitzman

Recommended for ages 9+

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Morris Gleitzman是在英国出生的澳洲作家,他的【Once】,【Then】和【Now】系列故事(后来还写了【After】和【Soon】)是关于一个生活在波兰的叫做Felix的犹太男孩在二战期间的遭遇和长大后的故事,这套书非常适合小学生们阅读,让小孩子懂得珍惜现在的生活。每本书每个章节都是以Once,Then和Now开头的,文字优美,是关于二战题材故事里很适合小朋友阅读的作品。


The Hunger Games Seriesby Suzanne Collins

Recommended for ages 12-18

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【The Hunger Games】 is a young-adult science fiction novel written by Suzanne Collins. It was originally published on September 14, 2008 by Scholastic. It is the first book of 【the Hunger Games trilogy】. It introduces sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world in the country of Panem where North America once stood. This is where a powerful government working in a central city called the Capitol holds power. In the book, the Hunger Games are an annual televised event where the Capitol chooses one boy and one girl from each district to fight to the death. The Hunger Games exist to demonstrate not even children are beyond the reach of the Capitol's power.


The Hunger Games are an excellent trilogy that i think everybody will enjoy reading.  It includes everything a book needs, the plot, the characters, the decriptions...etc. Even though the violence can be a bit extreme at times, you can picture images in your mind and feel Katniss's pain or fear. The way Suzanne Collins wrote this book is very clever. She makes sure that every chapter has a perculiar, and unexpected twist to it. Every page, Katniss remains brave, which makes you really look up to her.

The plot is extremely interesting and so are the characters. Thinking of having children fight to death is a little bit odd and vicious, but you will immediately forget about that, once you read. As Katniss goes on in the Hunger Games, you will read about romance, pain, fear, hatred, and loneliness. Once these feelings are read, you experience the same, feeling everything Katniss feels.

After reading the first book, i felt scared for Katniss as if she was someone real.

I would recommend this book to ALL AGES. (maybe not 5 year olds) but you get the idea. Anyone who would understand this book, MUST read it. I rate it 9.9999999999/10 due to the violence.

Charles and Emma - Darwins' Leap of Faithby Deborah Heiligman

Recommended Aged 12+

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这部书,其实主要是给中学生看的。2010年入选了美国国家图书奖的少儿读物终评名单,美国图书馆协会的Michael L. Printz Award (非小说类)。2010年2月12日是查尔斯·达尔文诞辰两百周年;11月24日又是他的划时代巨着《物种起源》问世一百五十周年。按理说,达尔文其人其事早已被谈得太阳底下无新事了吧?但是,美国有位Deborah Heiligman女士,却赶在达尔文两百诞辰之前,抢出了一本自称是达尔文数百传记之后,第一次把重心放在他的第二次冒险的书。

达尔文的第一次冒险,就是他那着名的乘坐海军勘探船“贝格尔号”的五年环球考察。什么是他的第二次冒险?——娶老婆是也!娶老婆,对任何男人都是触及灵魂的大冒险。达尔文更甚。因为他对第一次冒险中所见所闻的思考,逐渐导向对信仰的怀疑;而他看中的未婚妻,却是个虔诚信徒。但两人后来恩爱一生。这怎么可能?Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith试图回答这一问题。


This book is actually quite interesting, despite the fact that its cover and blurb gives you a sense of dullness in the book. Although the story of Charles and Emma is told both beautifully and delightfully, I can't help but feel this plot isn't so enthralling. If Charles Darwin was an expert skydiver I might've been interested in that, but, him and his wife through their life of science? Not exactly my cup of tea. One thing the book does have is an excellent writer and a famous person to write about. So you may find this book absolutely brilliant, and this is only my opinion. Mostly I dislike this book, because I'm still in Year 6. Not exactly the age to read something so scientific. Other than that though, I quite enjoyed reading it.His life isn't all to do with science and neither is the book, quite surprisingly. The writer just used an absolute beautiful blend of words to describe Charles's life in the best way possible. I rate it 6 - 7 out of 10.I would also recommend it to students or adults above the age of, well, my age!  Or just people who understand long, difficult words. I'm just glad I even finished it!

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead

Recommended Age 10+

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【When You Reach Me】by Rebecca Stead是非常好看的一部小说,篇幅很短,但是写的非常吸引人。2009年度美国Newbery Medal Award - 代表着美国儿童图书节最高荣誉的奖项。纽约时报儿童Chapter Books里的最畅销书之一。








【When you reach me】 is a brilliantly laid-out book, and I admire the writer's creativity. A girl called Miranda keeps receiving mysterious notes that reads the future, but how does whoever is writing her the notes know all these things? Mysterious things start to happen in her life, and its starting to get into a tangled mess. At first I found I it a bit creepy, and soon it got creepier!Although this book is easy to read and has an interesting setting, some parts of this book aren't so amazing. For instance, the story is just too confusing, the notes that come and the story. I just don't understand what the writer writing about. I mean story a about a girl receiving notes from the future, and herself writing the story is... Well not as interesting. The whole sorry mainly revolves around her troubles at school and with her friends. Strange thing to her also, but I just don't get it. The plot is boring and dull, which doesn't really attract me. There is no excitement to it, and no action until the end. It isn't the dullest book in the universe, but I can't say it will reach even the half-way mark!

I rate this book a 4~5 out of 10, as the writer could've packed a whole lot more action and adventure to this novel. This book has potential, but the writer chose not to show it. This is is big disappointment for me, as I would've included MUCH more notes and more mysterious things. Action, adventure to the future, excitement the makes you bubble with suspense, etc, etc. I recommend this novel for children of 9 (if you are an advanced reader at 9 years of age) - 12. As there is some difficult concepts that children under 9 may not grab properly.

Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah

Recommended ages 10-14

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再介绍一本出版于1999年的儿童读物【Chinese Cinderella】,我女儿5年级的时候读过后,给我讲过很多次她非常非常的喜欢这本书。在澳洲的图书馆和书店里一直属于小读者们热门的作品。

这是旅美的华裔作家严君玲(Adeline Yen Mah)的作品,文字浅显,充满了感情,非常适合小朋友特别是女孩子阅读。


【Chinese Cinderella】是严君玲出生至14岁的经历。她出生于上海富裕的家庭,一出生母亲便难产而死,被家人视为“不祥之人”。当父亲再续弦后,后母对她非常刻薄。小小姑娘不但失去母爱,还要忍受各种不公平的待遇,甚至亲生兄姊的逼害。不论生活如何艰苦,严君玲从未放弃对“家”的期望。更重要的是,并未因为生活上的不如意而对前途妥协。在努力用功下,君玲在学业上的成绩打动了父亲,同意她到英国读书,取得医学学位,最终成为麻醉科医生,现执业并定居于美国洛杉矶。

其实,【Chinese Cinderella】是作者的第二本作品,第一本作品叫【Falling Leaves】——曾获提名《纽约时报》最佳读物奖,在1997年出版,亦是作者的童年记事,原意并非童书。由于受欢迎及给小读者正面信息,严君玲把故事重写成儿童读物,在两年后出版【Chinese Cinderella】,两书写作的角度截然不同。故事发生的时代背景,正好横跨了中国近代史上的几大变迁——民国末期、国共内战、国内解放及英治殖民地下,甚至到中英联合声名到回归后的香港等,对于不甚熟悉这些政治局面的外国读者,都很新鲜。

Bridge to Terabithiaby Katherine Paterson


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作者Katherine Paterson.

1977出版的书,1978年获得了Newbery Medal(金奖)。

1970年代作者Katherine Paterson一家人住在华盛顿特区的郊区,当时她的儿子David有个好朋友叫Lisa Hill。悲剧发生在1974年8月,Lisa在海滩遭闪电击中,死时年仅8岁。这场悲剧对David造成不小冲击,也让Katherine动念写一部以友情与死亡为主题的少年小说。


Jess Aaron最大的野心就是成为五年级同学中跑得最快的人。他花了整个夏天的时间练习,等不及要看到当他打败所有的同学时,他们脸上的表情。开学的第一天,一位新来的女孩Leslie Burke以飞快的速度跑过男孩们身旁,她打败了所有男孩,当然包括Jess。





Secret Seven Series by Enid Blyton

Recommended for ages 8-12

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Enid Mary Blyton是英国儿童文学作家,她有两个名字Enid Blyton and Mary Pollock,Enid Blyton出生在1897年,她是一位高产的作家,四十年里她大概写了800本书,非常牛,她自己说她每天要写10000字的稿子,一直到后来得了老年痴呆症才停止写作。她是西方世界里最伟大的儿童文学作家之一。

【The Naughtiest Girl】
【the Famous Five】 (consisting of 21 novels, 1942–1963, based on four children and their dog),【the Five Find-Outers and Dog】, (15 novels, 1943–1961, where five children regularly outwit the local police)
【the Secret Seven】(15 novels, 1949–1963, a society of seven children who solve various mysteries).

其中【Secret Seven】系列里的人物都有生活中的原型,就是她的子女们儿时的朋友,其写作灵感来源于此。

阿朱英文书单(小学)系列之二(组图) - 12

关键词: 英文书单教育
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