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2022-10-22 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

关注「岛鸣国际 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


在评估私人岛屿的价值时,除了S3期分享过的影响私人岛屿价格的主要因素之外,岛屿的其他独特性也在考量范畴之内。本期分享一座位于纽约曼哈顿附近的独特岛屿——Petra island!

In addition to the main factors that affect the price of private islands as shared in S3, other unique characteristics of the islands are also taken into account when assessing the value of private islands. In this issue, I will share a unique island near Manhattan in New York City -- Petra island!

Petra Island位于纽约市以北约50英里处,坐落在壮丽的Mahopac湖中央。岛上建有自用直升机停机坪,从曼哈顿乘坐直升机只需15分钟,从威彻斯特郡机场乘坐直升机只需不到5分钟的时间。你也可以选择从大陆乘船到达该岛。

About 50 miles north of New York City, Petra Island sits in the middle of magnificent Lake Mahopac. With its own helipad, the island is a 15-minute helicopter ride from Manhattan and less than five minutes from Westchester County Airport. You can also choose to reach the island by boat from the mainland.


From above, the 11-acre island takes on the shape of a heart, which is part of its uniqueness. The island is lush and wooded, very beautiful. Adding to the romance is the story that the island was once a gift from Angelina Jolie to Brad Pitt for his 50th birthday.


The island also features two architectural masterpieces located on one corner of the island, including a 1,200-square-foot cottage and a 5,000-square-foot main residence. Designed by renowned American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the main house is considered one of the most spectacular designs of his career and resembles the famous Fallingwater house.


The main house is a combination of wood and rock that fully incorporates the presence of natural rock and harmonizes with the island. Part of the building is cantilevered over the water, with a cantilevered section that juts 28 feet out into the lake, overlooking the water from the windows. The cantilevered building is believed to be the largest home Wright ever designed -- almost doubling the 15-foot cantilever of Fallingwater.


All this makes this private island off Manhattan worth buying, and in the United States, where the private island market is well established, the process is relatively simple and convenient. Foreigners and U.S. citizens have the same rights and legal protections when purchasing real estate in New York City. You can buy an island in New York as an individual or on a freehold basis through an entity such as a business and dispose of it at your own discretion according to the law. There is no difference in the additional cost of buying an island between foreigners and residents. The fees, which include taxes, title insurance, legal fees, recording fees and the like, amount to between 2 and 6 percent of the island's value.

Petra Island是永久产权岛屿,目前售价为995万美元(约合人民币7200万元),价格可议。感兴趣的话,欢迎私信咨询。

Petra Island, a freehold island, is currently on sale for $9.95 million, with a negotiable price. If interested, welcome to contact us for further information.


Thanks for your time! Until next time!



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