维洲空调安装补贴快来申请啦,安装分体空调即可获得州政府补贴1000刀,旧电箱更新补贴500刀,拆除旧制冷制热设备补贴200刀。时间有限,名额有限 抓紧申请啦啦啦。。自住房 出租房 都可以申请!详情咨询Hannah 0430909821 或者王师傅0452189821 nn我们公司是一家有政府资质的销售及安装公司,重点重复 :有 政 府 资 质!! 持 证 人 员 安 装 !!nnnHelping vulnerable Victorians stay warm and keep cool, for less.nThe Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program will increase the comfort, wellbeing and health of vulnerable Victorians while also creating new jobs and tackling climate change. nnOver the next three years the Victorian Government will invest $335 million to provide energy efficient heating and cooling for 250,000 low income and vulnerable households by reducing the upfront cost of purchasing energy efficient reverse-cycle air conditioners. nnReverse-cycle air conditioners are energy efficient and provide households with thermal comfort throughout the year by keeping homes warm in winter and cool in summer. nnThe Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program will be delivered through a base rebate of $1,000 provided towards the cost of purchasing and installing a high-efficiency heating and cooling system with a limit of one rebate per household. Households can receive an additional $200 if they need to cap their old gas heater or $500 for households who need to upgrade their switchboard. nnThe Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program is looking at the best ways to deliver heating and cooling upgrades to low-income and vulnerable households. nn